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Several factors can contribute to dry mouth. These include certain medications, aging, cancer therapy, tobacco and alcohol use, nerve damage and certain health conditions like diabetes and Sjögren syndrome.

Interestingly, some oral hygiene products can also leave your mouth feeling dry after brushing. But why? 

It all comes down to the ingredients.

Brushing your teeth should leave you feeling refreshed, with a mouth as sparkling as your smile. But what if, instead of experiencing a rejuvenating freshness, you find yourself with a dry tongue dry feeling teeth? 

Let’s uncover the reasons behind this common issue and find solutions that will prevent that dry feeling after brushing.

Why Toothpaste Ingredients Matter

Your toothpaste is more than just a minty gel — it's a complex blend of ingredients designed to clean, protect and sometimes whiten your teeth. However, some ingredients might not be as mouth-friendly as you'd hope.

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate

Sodium Lauryl Sulfate ( also known as SLS) is a common ingredient in many toothpastes that creates foam when you brush, but it can also cause dry mouth and even mouth ulcers for some individuals.

Switching to an SLS-free toothpaste could make a significant difference in preventing dry mouth.


Astringents are substances that can shrink or constrict body tissues. In toothpaste, astringents such as alcohol are often included for their ability to tighten gums and eliminate bacteria. However, astringents can strip away the mouth's natural moisture, leading to a dry feeling after brushing.

When choosing a toothpaste, look for one that cleans effectively without causing dryness. An ideal toothpaste should strike a balance between eliminating bacteria, freshening the breath and maintaining the mouth's natural moisture balance.

Mayo Clinic recommends opting for products containing xylitol (such as our Oral Wellness Toothpaste) to improve saliva flow and minimize dryness.

Symptoms of Dry Mouth

Dry mouth, also called xerostomia, is a condition in which the mouth doesn't produce enough saliva. This might seem trivial, but in reality, saliva plays an essential role in maintaining your oral health. It assists digestion, helps cleanse your mouth and keeps it moist, thus making it less conducive to the growth of harmful bacteria and fungi.

Recognizing dry mouth is the first step toward addressing it. The symptoms can vary in intensity but commonly include:

  • A sticky, dry feeling in the mouth
  • Difficulty chewing, swallowing, tasting or speaking
  • Burning sensation in the mouth
  • Dry throat and hoarseness
  • Cracked lips
  • Dry, rough tongue
  • Mouth sores
  • Bad breath

Ways To Prevent Dry Mouth

Lifestyle modifications can ease and prevent dry mouth.

Stay Hydrated

Staying well-hydrated is a no-brainer. Medical professionals recommend drinking plenty of water throughout the day and limiting caffeine intake, which can lead to a dry mouth.

Eat the Right Foods

Dietary changes can also influence dry mouth. Eating less salty and spicy foods, which can exacerbate dry mouth, can help.

Many professionals recommend chewing sugarless gum or sucking on sugar-free hard candy that contains xylitol to stimulate saliva flow.

Additionally, try to avoid tobacco and limit alcohol consumption, as both can dry out your mouth.

Using Twice Oral Care Solutions for Dry Mouth

While brushing and flossing are cornerstones of oral hygiene, addressing dry mouth requires a more holistic approach. Using the right oral care products is crucial in preventing a dry mouth after brushing your teeth.

Aside from our Oral Wellness Toothpaste, consider adding our Immunity Rinse Mouthwash to your dryness-fighting routine. Alcohol and SLS-free, Twice Immunity Rinse offers a powerful way to cleanse and refresh your mouth without that drying sensation.

The secret to its success lies in its innovative nano-emulsion technology, which delivers fast-acting and long-lasting freshness. It's packed with potent ingredients that protect against infection-causing bacteria, enhance your oral defenses and aid the healing of minor oral wounds. 

The information on this page was written or reviewed for accuracy by the Twice Team. Learn more about us.
